
team thinking in medical setting1 firstly

Team Thinking in Medical Setting

1) Firstly, identify a team in a medical setting. This team can come from a department, section, work area, doctor's office, laboratory, or any other medical section. The key is to show how teamwork is an important part of working in a health care setting. For example, you could use the operating room, emergency department, physical therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, housekeeping, logistics department, medical triage, billing department, work team, front office, back office, etc. You are not limited to these examples. Use a team example you are familiar with or feel comfortable with through your research or work. Next, write and describe the team you identify. The medical team you chose is not the most important part of this assignment. What is more important is for you to demonstrate your understanding of teamwork the team you choose. In this essay, you need to include answers to the following questions:
1. Is the team intradisciplinary, interdisciplinary, intradepartmental, interdepartmental, a work team, or a combination of these types of teams? Explain your answer.
2. Which professionals would be members of the team?
3. What is the goal of the team? Provide a rationale for your selection.
4. How would each of the professionals on the team contribute to the team reaching the goal?
5. Identify how the team might be organized. Give at least five steps, and a short explanation of each step.
6. What factors might enhance the performance of the team?
7. What are some of the stages of team development? Provide at least two stages. Explain what each one does for the development of the team.
8. Name at least six individual job responsibilities for the team members and leader.

2) Give a brief definition of each of the following types of thinking with an example of where it would/could be used.
1. Logical
2. Critical
3. Creative
Review the case below case and identify the problem(s) you find. You should look for the number one problem. If you find more problems, list them in the order you think they need to be fixed. Then, write a short response on how you came to your conclusion on the problem(s) you found and the order you would want it/them fixed. Explain why you think having a good command of Critical Thinking is important in the field you are studying.

Case Study:
A nurse is told to take patient, Ms. Jones, down to the treatment room and change the dressing on her abdomen from the surgery she had two days ago. When the nurse got the patient to the treatment room, she removed the old dressing and covered the wound with a sterile towel. She then went to the drawer with the sterile dressings, but found none. She also noted that this is not the first time this has happened.


Deductive thinking (reasoning) - As noted by Albrecht, logical thinking is in steps. Deductive thinking is from top to down: Theory - Hypothesis - Observation - Confirmation.

Inductive thinking (reasoning) - This method involves thinking from the bottom up: Observation - Pattern - Tentative Hypothesis - Theory.

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HR Management: team thinking in medical setting1 firstly
Reference No:- TGS0470125

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