
Team building and leadership


Bob Frost has the reputation for being a very efficient Higher Executive Officer. His department is concerned with the processing of ten different items and he has ten Clerical Officers who each deal with one item only. The knowledge required is limited and skill is soon developed in routine work. Training time is short and new entrants soon reach high levels of proficiency.

The department thus has high level of productivity of which Bob is very proud. He remains remote from his staff and communication is managed through two Executive Officers who deal with short-term operational problems. Bob concentrates on training new staff and maintains a powerful discipline over poor performers.

He is a fair main, respected but feared by his staff, which appreciate the training but are soon bored by their work and are kept at it by apprehension about poor results rather than by interest in it. Though productivity is high, so are labour turnover and absenteeism.


Write a report, addressed to the Supervising Officer highlighting the issues increased and alternative styles which Bob Frost could adopt.

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Other Management: Team building and leadership
Reference No:- TGS06253

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