The presentation consists of two parts: i. an oral presentation of 5 minutes (maximum) duration (comprising 20%); and ii. a one page (maximum) written submission which summarises the key points of the seminar presentation (comprising 10%). The one page written submission must adhere to the ‘Submission requirements for Written Submission’ detailed below.
The seminar presentation requires students to submit a one page (A4) written submission.
The page limit will be strictly enforced. This assessment has been structured so that a well-considered and scholarly written submission may be achieved within the prescribed length of one page (maximum).
Format There are strict formatting requirements with which students must comply. The teaching staff reserve the right to refuse to mark assessments that are not submitted in accordance with the following formatting and stylistic requirements:
– Do not manipulate the standard margins of the page.
– Use a 12 point (minimum) standard font (preferably Times New Roman or Arial).
– Should be appropriately referenced (footnotes are strongly encouraged).
– Must be AGLC compliant.
– Do not provide a bibliography.
The seminar presentations will be assessed against four criteria, namely, ‘demonstrated knowledge’, ‘reflection and analysis’, ‘research and use of materials’ and ‘structure and style’. Separate marks will not be apportioned to these criteria; rather the total mark will be based on overall performance as judged against these criteria collectively.