Question 1- The values of the impedance, R1 = 2.3 kΩ, R2 = 1.1 kΩ, L = 190 mH, C = 55nf and the voltage applied to the circuit vs(t) = 7cos(3000t+30o)V. Find the equivalent impedance of the circuit.

Question 2- The values of the impendence, Rs = 50 Ω, Rc = 40 Ω, L = 20 μH, C = 1.25 nF, and the voltage applied to the circuit shown in the Figure, vs(t) = V0cos(ωt+0o), V0 = 10 V, ω = 6M(rad/s). Find the current supplied by the source.

Question 3- Design an AC circuit with R, L, and C components so that it can achieve output voltage in a given load to be doubled in amplitude (magnitude) while achieving increase in the phase shift of the output voltage of 45o more than the phase of the input voltage. Use 60Hz as the frequency of the AC voltage sources in the circuit. Use freely any values for the R, L, C, and in any design you see suitable to achieve the stated requirements. Explain your circuit design.