
Te main theme is about managing to resistance to change

Assessment 1: Literature Review

Content: 1000 words excluding references, tables and any figures and additional pages.(Referencing should be done in Harvard style)


There are two parts (A and B) to this assessment. Part A is the Literature Review. Part B is the critique of the literature.

The main theme is about "Managing to Resistance to change".  You have to conduct a review of the literature that relates to the theme. Please select up to FIVE journals to review on the topic. The journals must be from the top tier journals. In order to get assistance in writing the literature review, please refer to notes and ppt slides on VU collaborate under literature review.

Students who demonstrate deep learning, critical analysis, referencing reputable authors and integrating contrasting views on the topic from the literature will be rewarded by the marks that reflect effort.

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Business Management: Te main theme is about managing to resistance to change
Reference No:- TGS02889796

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