
Taskto identify research and present in both written and

Task:To identify, research, and present (in both written and oral formats) a topic in engineering that is currently the focus of ongoing (within the past 5 years) research, investigation, and/or development The topic must come from the National Academy of Engineering (Nan) Grand Challenges for Engineering:

Rationale Technology is developing at a rapid pace: computers are advancing at astonishing rates, new energy sources are in the development phase, crushing transportation issues require solutions, and new manufacturing methods are revolutionizing consumer products. Asa professional engineer, you will need to continually educate yourself about advances in technologies to reain competitive, and this project introduces important information literacy skits to aid M your ability to educate yourseff Thims project also shows different ways of defining and solving complex problems depending on the perspective of the team.


1. Read about the NAE Grand Challenges of Engineering and select Ichallenge to research using the library database Compendex (Engineering Village)-see HWO6 for details, and remember Mat you cannot select the Grand Challenge "Provide Access to Clean Water° (Mary, the librarian, used this challenge as the topic for the library Session).

2. During your research, select 2 joumal artides and/or conference papers Mat approach the challenge using different strategies. The journal articles/conference papers should be closely related (similar specific tonics).

3. Read the articles and take notes, specifically look problem identification, proposed solution, methods, data, conclusions, and/or future work identified in both articles/papers.

4. Write a short compere end contrast paper (you are NOT summarizing the articles/papers) informing the audience how the authors began to solve the complex problem stated within the NAE Grand Challenge, again focusing on problem identification, proposed solution, methods, data conclusions, and/or future work.

5. Repeat the process of selecting and researching a Grand Challenge for Memo 02 and the Presentation (note: this portion of the project is later in the semester).

Content of Submissions (both written and oral):

1. Briefly, describe the NAE Grand Challenge, focusing on the need for this research or development.

2. Compare and Contrast the approaches presented in your sources (problem identification, proposed solution, methods, data, conclusions, and/or future work).

3. Identify your sources with properly formatted citations. A minimum of 3 sources are required, 2 must be the Mumal articles/conference papers. The third reference may be the NAE Grand Challenges website additional sources (but not Wikipedia) may be used in your brief description of the Grand Challenge. You must use the IEEE citation style.

Written Format Requirements: Prepare a                  Oral Format Requirements: Prepare and practice.

compare/contrast paper,                                                        dress well

  • 500 to 600 words 4 to 5 minutes (m substantial videos)
  • 1" margins must be prepared using PowerPoint
  • double spaced must be submitted by midnight the night prior
  • font:12 pt. Times New Roman or 11 pt. Calibri (submission link will close)
  • include graphics graphics are required

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Other Engineering: Taskto identify research and present in both written and
Reference No:- TGS01422375

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