
taskthis assignment is about writing programmes


This assignment is about writing programmes and Web Services in C#:

1) Develop a console programme that reads a sequence of integer numbers from the console and sorts them in descending order using a suitable sorting algorithm (you are expected to implement the algorithm and not simply use a sort() method provided for a data type!).

2) Provide a Web Service for the programme in 1) - consider a suitable interface.

3) A car rental company has two types of customers: Private and Commercial. Both accounts allow customers to rent cars for specified periods (start date plus no of days rental). Also, both types of customers would have a customer record with name and a customer number. Private customers can only pay by cash or credit card upfront, commercial customers will have an account against which rentals are booked. Also, commercial customers would name a driver (and there can be several rentals for the same period against their account with different drivers named).

You must develop a sensible class structure to capture these accounts and provide methods for their specific features (book, pay, send monthly bill, produce rental invoice).

Develop a console programme creating some accounts to test your operations.

4) Develop a web services for the car rental company from the previous task with a respective database backend. The service should allow people to book a vehicle, and should allow company staff to look at bills or invoices and register payment (payment received).

Note1: I am not marking the database design, so use the simplest database structure that allows you to capture the required data. You need to include a comment as to how this is structured (you can use "tablename: attribute1, attribute2, attribute3, ..." for each table).

Note2: you will need to decide on good return types for your web service methods!

Note 3: I am not expecting any considerations of security or logging in to be catered for in your implementation.

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Application Programming: taskthis assignment is about writing programmes
Reference No:- TGS0204553

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