taskswrite a perl script assigngradespl to assign


Write a Perl script assignGrades.pl to assign letter grades to the students.

Please use the classList2.txt file.

Upon invoking, the script will access the file classList2.txt, compute the total percentage score for every student, assign a letter grade according to the Letter Grades Map, and record them in the file grades in the following format.

         Student# Given Name   Family Name Course Grade

Additional Information about classList2.txt file:

1. A mark can be a nonnegative integer, or an x for excused, or an a for absent.

If a mark is a, it will be assumed to be 0 for all computational purposes.

If a mark is x, it will not be counted as part of the final grade. This means that the final grade will be determined on the basis of the rest of the marks, changing lab total and the maximum lab total accordingly.

2. Each student will receive a letter grade based on the student's total percentage score and assigned according to the Letter Grades Map specified in the classList2.txt. The total percentage score will be computed as follows:

totalPercent = ( labWeight * labTotalPercent + examWeight * examTotalPercent + finalWeight * finalPercent )


labTotalPercent = labTotal / labMaxTotal

labTotal = sum of all labs

labMaxTotal = sum of maximum points per lab

examTotalPercent = examTotal / examMaxTotal

examTotal = sum of all exams
examMaxTotal = sum of maximum points per exam                  

finalPercent = final / finalMax

(lab, exam, final)Weight = Percentage distribution (lab, Midterms, Final)

Ø  You can find the classList2.txt file in the /tmp/CPSC1280/Assignment2 directory.

B. Write a perl script called circle.pl which takes one number from the command line (representing the radius of a circle), the script then prints the circumference and area of the circle.   

This script should execute as follows (sample numbers)

prompt> circle.pl 4

The radius of circle is 4.

The circumference of the circle is 25.12

The area of the circle is 50.24


Create two script files (assignGrade.pl and circle.pl)

Create document with the following information:

  1. Brief introduction.
  2. List of assumptions & limitations made during program design & coding.
  3. List of known bugs.


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Application Programming: taskswrite a perl script assigngradespl to assign
Reference No:- TGS0219695

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