
taskeach group will have a research topic which


Each group will have a research topic which the group will be responsible for researching and presenting on to the class. Each group will have 20 minutes to present and answer any questions from the audience. The presentation should be divided evenly among the group members, and needs to include the following:

  • Title page (including topic and names of group members)
  • Research question
  • Introduction to the problem
  • Background information about the problem
  • How the problem relates to the UAE
  • Relevant statistics
  • Possible solutions
  • Recommendations
  • Conclusion
  • References 

Creative Work

As part of the project, each group needs to come up with a creative output inspired by your group project and your experience together as a team. Think about a concept, an idea, information or a goal inspired by your topic theme and group , then try to present it to us in the most creative, unusual and untraditional way.  You can use your talents, skills and hobbies. For this part of the project, there will be no limitations or guidelines on what the outcome will be.  Just be creative; the sky is your limit. Impress us!

You need to include photocopies, samples or photos of your group's creative and/or supplemental work in your online portfolio.


  • survey data
  • photographs
  • handouts
  • visual aids
  • video
  • a display piece
  • artistic work
  • poetry
  • interview
  • skit/play

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