
Taskbackgroundthe commonwealth government of australia is

Question: TaskBackgroundThe Commonwealth Government of Australia is launching ‘My Health Record' a secure online summary of an individual's health information.Available to all Australians, My Health Record is an electronic summary of an individual's key health information, drawn from their existing records and is designed to be integrated into existing local clinical systems.The ‘My Health Record' is driven by the need for the Health Industry to continue a process of reform to drive efficiencies into the health care system, improve the quality of patient care, whilst reducing several issues that were apparent from the lack of important information that is shared about patients e.g. reducing the rate of hospital admissions due to issues with prescribed medications. This reform is critical to address the escalating costs of healthcare that become unsustainable in the medium to long term.Individuals will control what goes into their My Health Record, and who is allowed to access it. An individual's My Health Record allows them and their doctors, hospitals and other healthcare providers to view and share the individual's health information to provide the best possible care.*Please Note: This is a real project that has already been implemented, however, for this assessment you are to write your answer as if the project is in its' the early stages. There is wide variety of information that can be referenced on this topicComplete the FollowingPlease refer to the marking guide when preparing your response to see what criteria and standards will be used to assess your work and your progress.Consider that funding has been approved for a project to build a system that will capture the ‘story' the first time it is told, and give access to successive professionals, so that case notes and the story can become enriched, and the young person can be assisted more appropriately. You are the business systems analyst assigned to the project, you will need to produce:Stakeholder map

- Draw stakeholder role names on a stakeholder map with 4 quadrants, Internal-Operation, Internal-Executive, External-Operation, External-Executive

- For each stakeholder, describe why they have an interest in the project.

Questionnaire Create one questionnaire that you would send to one stakeholder group with an aim to help you identify further details about the environment, the problem area and/or how the system would operate to help solve the problem.

- Identify which stakeholder you are going to send the questionnaire to

- Write an introduction statement that would go with the questionnaire explaining the purpose of the questionnaire

- Write 10 questions, either open and/or closed ended questions

- This should be written as a questionnaire that could be distributed

- Only write the questions, you should not write the answers

- Use Case diagram and descriptions

- Draw a use case model for the information system

- Write brief Use Case description for each Use Case in the diagram

- Write onefully developed Use Case description for one of the important Use Cases identified. Select an important Use Case that is key part of the system, not a basic simple Use Case.

Rationale: This assessment has been designed to allow students to test and demonstrate their topic understanding related to:

- apply stakeholder analysis for of an information system;

- describe and apply requirements gathering techniques;

- define functional requirements

Presentation: Your answer should be approx. 5 pages, Times Roman size 12 (title page and references are not part of page count). You should use your own words and avoid lengthy quotations.

Requirements: If any references are required, ensure to use APA referencing to acknowledge the sources that you have used in preparing your assessment. In addition a very useful tool for you to use that demonstrates how to correctly use in text referencing and the correct way to cite the reference in your reference list.

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Finance Basics: Taskbackgroundthe commonwealth government of australia is
Reference No:- TGS02343616

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