Task statements for the job of interest


Perform a job analysis on your current job (or one you have held in the past). Based on the results from the job analysis, outline how you might assess someone for entrance into your organization for that job (based on the Essential Function Importance Level, EFIL) in order to assure that you hire the best person for the job. See below for the guidelines for completing the job analysis.

The job analyst shall determine the Essential Function Importance Level (EFIL) for the tasks performed in a job you once worked in or presently hold. After reviewing job descriptions or reflecting on the job, develop a list of Task Statements (Subject-Verb-In Order to Statements-"Enters data into the computer in order to keep accurate records") for the work done in the position. Typically there are about 20 tasks for each job when doing a job analysis (you may have more or less than this figure). You may want to create a table before the incumbent does the ratings (with tasks-numbered 1,2, 3, etc. on the left and the Rating Categories and each Scale on the right)-this may help with tabulating the info. Then rate the tasks on the following Rating Scales:

a) Rate the tasks, using the accompanying scales, relative to all the other tasks performed in the job.

b) Rate the task on Relative Time Spent (RTS)-refers to the total time spent performing a task compared to all the other tasks in the job.

1=small amount of time

2=less than average


4=above average

5=large amount of time

c) Then rate the task on Difficulty to Learn (DL)-refers to how difficult the task is to learn relative to the other tasks in the job.

1=one of the easiest

2=easier than most


4=one of the hardest

d) Mistake Made (or not Done)-refers to the consequences of not requiring an employee to do this task or the consequences of making a mistake while performing this function.

1=slight, easy to correct

2=somewhat serious, but easy to correct

3=somewhat serious, somewhat hard to correct

4=serious, hard to correct

5=very serious, life threatening or very expensive

e) Centrality-whether the reason the position exists is to perform that function.

0=just a side part of the job, not a central part of the job.

1=a central part of the job, but not one of the primary reasons the job exists.

2=a central part of the job, one of the main reasons the job exists.

f) Re-Assignment-the number of employees available to perform the function or among whom the performance of the function can be distributed (the long-term part is important here-can someone else perform the task for 6 months or over?).

0=several people do this, can be re-assigned on a long-term basis.

1=one other person does this, could be re-assigned on a long-term basis.

2=nobody else does this, cannot be re-assigned on a long term basis.

In order to determine the Essential Function Importance Levels (EFIL) for each task use the following formula:

EFIL=(RTS+DL+M) X (C) X (R)=

Where EFIL=Essential Function Importance Level

After these computations are done for each Task Statement, order them from highest (the highest rating using the formula) to the lowest (the lowest rating using the formula). This should be an ordered-arrangement of the Task Statements for the job of interest.

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Other Management: Task statements for the job of interest
Reference No:- TGS01868663

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