task - defining a student classthe below

Task - Defining a Student class

The below illustration will explain how to write a class. We want to write a "Student" class which

- should be able to store the below characteristics of student

- Roll No

- Name

- Provide default, parameterized and copy constructors

- Provide standard getters/setters (discuss shortly) for instance variables

- Make sure, roll no has never assigned a negative value i.e. ensuring correct state of object

- Provide print method capable of printing student object on console

Getters / Setters

Attributes of a class are usually taken as private or protected. So to access them outside of a class, a convention is followed knows  as  getters  &  setters.  These  are usually public  methods.  Words set and get are used prior to name  of  an attribute.  Another  significant purpose  for  writing  getter  & setters to control the values assigned to an attribute.

Student Class Code

// File Student.java

public class Student {

private String name;

private int rollNo;

// Standard Setters

public void setName (String name) {

this.name = name;



// Note the masking of class level variable rollNo

public void setRollNo (int rollNo) {

if (rollNo > 0) {

this.rollNo = rollNo;

}else {

this.rollNo = 100;



// Standard Getters

public String getName ( ) {

return name;


public int getRollNo ( ) {

return rollNo;



// Default Constructor public Student() {

name = "not set";

rollNo = 100;



// parameterized Constructor for a new student

public Student(String name, int rollNo) {

setName(name); //call to setter of name

setRollNo(rollNo); //call to setter of rollNo



// Copy Constructor for a new student

public Student(Student s) {

name = s.name;

rollNo = s.rollNo;



// method used to display method on console


public void print () {

System.out.print("Student name: " +name);

System.out.println(", roll no: " +rollNo);


} // end of class


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JAVA Programming: task - defining a student classthe below
Reference No:- TGS0356462

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