You are required in your new role as an Enterprise Architect (EA) to do a SWOT Analysis of a current ICT servicein an organization.
SWOT is an acronym for questioning the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat and helps withthe analysis needed to identify the internal (S, W) and external (O, T) positives and negatives asindicated in Fig.1. Such a process can be informative and help the Enterprise Architect (you) toidentify the issues and problems, set goals develop an action plan and help strategic IT Infrastructureplanning and decision-making.

Identify up to a maximum of 5 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
It is suggested that you use bulleted items in a list in SWOT boxes of the template.

You are required in your new role as an Enterprise Architect to do a SWOT Analysis of a new ICT servicein an organization.
Follow the same procedure as described in Task 1 and the use the same SWOTAnalysis Template to analyze and evaluate a new ICT product or service.
- Compare the SWOT Analysis results of the current ICT service (from Task 1) with the SWOT Analysis results of the new ICT service.
- In your role as Enterprise Architect, write a report listing and evaluating the findings from your analysis and include your recommendations as per the SWOT template.