Task 1:
Q1 List the purposes of validation.
Q2 Outline the legal and ethical responsibilities of assessors.
Q3 Outline the different approaches to validation that may be appropriate before, during and after assessment.
Q4 Describe the differences between criterion-referenced assessment and norm-referenced assessment.
Q5 Describe the critical aspects of validation, including validation of assessment processes, methods and tools.
Q6 Provide an overview of relevant OHS legislation, codes of practice, standards and guidelines that impact on assessment.
Q7 Describe the principles of assessment and explain their relevance to the validation process.
Q8 Outline the rules of evidence explain their relevance to the validation process.
Task 2:
1. Prepare for validationc
Identify the purpose of the assessment validation, the evidence requirements for the unit of competency, the context of assessment, the candidates and their needs, legal and organisational requirements, the assessor, time and place of assessment, reporting and documentation requirements and timeframes. Provide a short report explaining your analysis and decision process.
2. Contribute to validation process
Demonstrate active participation in validation sessions. Provide a short report outlining how you participated and how you demonstrated your communication and liaison skills.
3. Contribute to validation outcomes
Document the validation outcomes and recommendations for improvement in assessment process. Attach a short report outlining how the changes are to be implemented.