
task 11describe the key features of competency

Task 1:

1. Describe the key features of competency based assessment.
2. Outline the different types of assessment methods.
3. Describe the four principles of assessment and discuss how they would guide your design of the assessment methods.
4. Provide two examples for each of the three types of evidence
5. Describe the rules of evidence and discuss how it would guide your design with the instruments you would choose
6. For an RPL pathway, describe how to interpret the competency standards as the benchmarks for assessment.
7. Outline how you will apply reasonable adjustment and inclusive culture with your assessment.
8. Explain why you must trial assessment instruments.
9. Discuss the general principles when "contextualise" competency standards for your workplace/industry.
10. Discuss what processes you would use in your organisation when planning and organising assessments.
11. Describe what learner records you would keep. Explain the issues involved with keeping these records.

Task 2:

   1. Select the candidates, determine the assessment approach
Identify the purpose of the assessment, the evidence requirements for the unit of competency you have selected (or subject within an accredited course), the context of assessment, the candidates and their needs, legal and organisational requirements, the assessor, time and place of assessment, reporting and documentation requirements and timeframes. Provide a short report explaining your analysis and decision process.

NB: If you do not have an opportunity to conduct RPL assessment in your workplace the following scenario may be negotiated with your facilitator:

• Pair with another student in your TAE class (this can be arranged online or face-to-face)
• You will be able to implement your RPL assessment plan when you complete the unit TAEASS402A Assess Competence
• The evidence for RPL will be an assessment task from one of the other TAE units, e.g. a Delivery or Design unit

This scenario enables you to complete some of the assessment requirements for three units.

2. Develop the assessment plan
Create and complete the assessment plan, there is a template provided which may be modified to suit, you may develop your own or use an assessment plan from your workplace

3. Develop the assessment instruments
You will develop simple assessment instruments (at least TWO per plan) for your selected training package qualification unit of competence or subject from an accredited course. The instruments must address the following pathways:

a. Learning/Assessment pathway instruments
b. RPL pathway instruments
The instruments of choice can be based on the templates provided within your learning program or included with this document:
• Observation checklist
• Oral / written questioning
o Multiple choice
o Short answer
o True / false
• Simulation / reflection (learning journal)
• Case study report
The instruments should meet the following criteria:

• Identification of organization (logo, name, location
• Unit / subject name and number
• Course name and number
• Candidate name, contact details, signature and date
• Candidate instructions
• Assessor name, signature and date
• Assessor instructions related to provision of commentary regarding
o Reasonable adjustment and inclusive culture applied
o Feedback to candidate
o Contextualisation of assessment instrument
• Professional formatting standard
• Footer with version control, date and page numbers
• Use of simple English language that meets LLN standards
• Matrix mapping instrument to elements / performance criteria addressed by instrument

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Reference No:- TGS0504851

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