Task - 1
i- Describe how test flumes and associated equipment are used to assess and confirm hydraulic behaviour in open channel.
1-How such test equipment is used and set-up?
2-Purpose of such tests?
3-Types of tests that can be conducted
4-Measuremnt types made and data obtained
ii-Explain why a downstream apron(and often also a stilling basin)should be installed with a flow measurement weir?
iii-Source information and details of a current meter and explain how the device allows a measurement of the average velocity of flow in a channel.
Task - 2
i-Source detail and information of two hydro-electric scheme,one high head and the other low head. Describe the differences of the turbines used and engineering complexity of the two scheme
ii-Explain why hydro-electric power generation is more popular in current times. Specify (Five) significant merits and disadvantages of such scheme.
iii- Describe three different types of weir available and assess their relative merit in terms of costs, accuracy of measurement and suitability to various open channel situation?