
Targeted recruitment can achieve the same ends of inclusion

True / False Questions 

1. Most organizational recruiting is done in-house. 

2. Organizations with low turnover rates will probably prefer to use internal recruitment agencies. 

3. Some organizations cooperate with one another during recruitment drives to minimize individual recruitment costs. 

4. A centralized approach to recruiting can ensure that policy is being interpreted consistently across business units. 

5. One advantage to centralized recruitment is that recruitment efforts may be undertaken in a more timely manner. 

6. It is typically easy to determine the number of contacts with applicants needed to fill a vacancy. 

7. One consistent finding in the research is that job seekers are more likely to find out about jobs through friends and family than they are through employment agencies. 

8. Research has shown that greater employer involvement with prospective applicants does little to improve the image of the organization. 

9. The practice of not charging the business unit may result in the business unit users not being concerned about minimizing recruitment costs. 

10. Applicant tracking systems make it possible to assess how many individuals are attracted and hired through each recruiting source. 

11. A recruitment guide is an informal set of principles suggesting, but not proscribing, how recruiting might proceed. 

12. Most recruiters receive a great deal of training. 

13. Research consistently shows that HR department employees make better recruiters than line managers. 

14. With an open recruitment approach, organizations cast a wide net to identify potential applicants for specific job openings. 

15. The growth of Web-based recruiting means that many employers have found that open recruiting yields too few applicants. 

16. Targeted recruiting is done to find applicants with specific characteristics pertinent to person/job or person/organization match. 

17. Targeted recruiting is a poor choice for diversity-conscious firms. 

18. Targeted recruitment can achieve the same ends of inclusion as open recruitment, though by a different mechanism. 

19. It is usually advised that a company either adopt open or targeted recruitment across the board for all employees. 

20. One shortcoming of targeted recruitment is that by seeking out one group, one may exclude another from the same consideration. 

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HR Management: Targeted recruitment can achieve the same ends of inclusion
Reference No:- TGS0790466

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