Create a T-Test Project, the T-Test Project is based around the question and variables provided in the attached document, also complete the tasks below for the T-Test Project.
Collect data
Conduct t-test analysis, using guidelines in the instructions provided
Write your results in a report, using the outline provided
Monitor the rubric to make sure you fulfill all project the requirements
A. Type of statistical test you plan to conduct (check one, and give relevant details)
• 1-samplet-test
a) Target population: Heart Disease Patients in the United States
b) Research variable:Heart Disease Smokers
c) Research question : Do habitual smokers with heart disease develop the symptoms before their thirties?
d) Expected result:I predicted that the average amount of habitual smokers with heart disease develop their symptoms in their late thirties.
•matched pairst-test
a) Target population(s):
b) The research variable will be the difference between and
c) Research question:
d) Expectedresult:
a) Target populations(2): and
b) Research variable:
c) Research question:
d) Expected result:
C. Data collection plan(check one,and give relevant details)
• I will use data from a file. Give name of file and details below.
• I will obtain data froma website(s).Give Name of website(s), full URLsand details below.