
Target behavior for student ik

Assignment task: Target behavior for student IK

Tantrum: Any instance in which Ishan engages in 2 or more of the following behaviors at the same time:

  • Crying /Screaming _ Any instance in which Ishan engages in vocalization louder than is used for communication for longer than 3 seconds during which time he may or may not produce tears ..(e.g. Loud vocalizations companied with tears when presented with the task demand/transition . Or loud vocalizations not accompanied by tears when told he could not have the IPAD.)
  • Hitting using hand or arm with a closed or open fist to hit (making forceful physical contact) with another person.
  • Kicking _using the foot/feet or leg/legs to make contact to another person.

TWO behavioral objectives; one for the behavior targeted for reduction and another for the behavior that will be targeted for increase (functionally equivalent alternative behavior)

1. Include all components (condition, learner, behavior, and criterion)

2. Be written in observable/measurable terms

3. Include criterion written to mastery level

4. Criterion addresses number of times learner must perform at the mastery level for the objective to be considered met

5. Criterion matches the dimension of the behavior and allows for evaluation using the described recording method

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Other Subject: Target behavior for student ik
Reference No:- TGS03298351

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