
Tank is a director and the majority shareholder of unique

Tank is a director and the majority shareholder of Unique New Investment Corporation (UNIC). Tank buys, for $1,500, an option to purchase a tract of real estate for $50,000. Tank forms Vista Property, Inc., to hold the option. As the majority shareholder, and thus controlling director, of UNIC, Tank orders the firm to authorize the purchase of the land from Vista Property for $500,000. Tank then has Vista Property buy the land, sell it to UNIC, and loan the money to UNIC for the purchase at a 10 percent interest rate. Wim, a minority shareholder in UNIC, complains to UNIC’s board, which takes no action. Wim files a suit against Tank on UNIC’s behalf.

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Operation Management: Tank is a director and the majority shareholder of unique
Reference No:- TGS02561135

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