To allow you to exercise with a logical thinking process to formulate algorithms, and to implement the algorithms using the C Programming Language. The logic will include inputs and outputs, looping, using counters, and conditional statements (if and else), and linked lists. This is an individual assignment.
Write a separate C program for each of the following:
a. Use a singly linked list to implement a priority queue with two operations: enqueue and dequeue. Each node contains an integer value, a priority, and a pointer to the next node. The priority is a value between 1-10 (where 10 is the highest priority). When a value is added to the queue, it is added with a value and priority. When a value is removed from the priority queue, the first element with the highest priority is removed first (not simply the first element).
b. Create a function called appendLists that takes two heads of linked lists that store integers, and appends the second one to the first.
c. Create a function called eliminateFromList that takes a head of a linked list and a number, and deletes all nodes containing that number from the list. If there are no nodes containing that number, the linked list stays the same.
d. Create a function called reverseList that takes the head of a linked list, reverses the order of all the nodes. For example, if the list contained 1, 2, 3, 4 in its nodes, the list will now contain 4, 3, 2, 1. For all of the above, make sure you create a main function that tests the functionality of each of the requirements, and clearly prints messages showing that the functionality is properly met.