
Talk about the importance of tooth brushing

Question: Your plan/objectives (provocations, experiences)? What you did? The lead teacher and I noticed the increase of many children missing school for dental issues. We decided to talk about the importance of tooth brushing. I printed pictures of different stages of dental issues. What you noticed? The children were gasping while looking that the different teeth, and Khaloni said, "that what you get when you don't brush." I laughed. Prince asked if the people's teeth had cavities. I told him yes but not taking care of cavties leads to other bad things in your mouth. I showed them a picture of gum disease. Prince asked what was that. I told them about gum disease. Every child looked confused and said, "Gum disease?" What will you do next? (provocations, experiences--vs activities) Implementation of positive/growthful interactions


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Reference No:- TGS03423322

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