
Taking the core om frameworks

Part A: Taking the core OM frameworks (3-Levels of analysis, 4Vs and Performance Objectives), analyse an operation of your choosing (not a case study or group case presentation), using two or more of these frameworks. Justify your plots, and highlight the key issues exposed through this analysis. You should:

  • Focus on the Operations level
  • Draw a succinct summary as to the implications identified through the analysis
  • You do not need to engage the literature in this section, but reference where appropriate.
  • You may make a contrast with other suitable competitors, the sector or alternatives; but is not mandatory as part of this analysis.

Note: Annotations on the diagrams are not counted in the word count.

Part B: Taking one concept from the module, provide a literature review of the concept and apply this understanding to the operation discussed in Part A. You may use data from the organization in support of your discussion (you do not need to provide a method section, but should acknowledge any sources you rely upon). You should provide a summary section, that highlights the implication of this knowledge on the operation, and how this may influence decision-making/ design in the Operation.

Please note: This is marked as a single piece of work, Parts A and B should be coherent in their analysis. Kindly apply this on MEP traditional method versus MEP prefabricated method. In addition provide detailed references for this research in addition. Also provide real life case studies to support in detail. Provide two VALUE STREAM MAP to compare traditional MEL versus Prefabricated MEP method. Last kindly provide the 3 levels of analysis for both method (each separately) while dividing this analysis in supplier network, operation and process network

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Other Management: Taking the core om frameworks
Reference No:- TGS03429385

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