Discussion Problem:
Watch Video:
YouTube Video: Making Classrooms More Inclusive for Multilingual Learners - Taking an asset-based approach to supporting students who are new to the English language can help them thrive.
YouTube Video: Increasing Engagement by Using Culturally Responsive Curriculum - Demonstration teacher Vanee Matsalia demonstrates how she uses Culturally Responsive Curriculum in her eight grade classroom. She shows how she decides on what text to use with her students and discusses how Culturally Responsive Curriculum and teaching engages her students.
Which of the tips in the first video, Making Classrooms More Inclusive for Multilingual. Need Assignment Help service?
Learners, have you used in the past? Was it successful in supporting your ELL students? Explain.
Discussion posts should exhibit careful thought and provide evidence that supports your position/answer/examples. Each discussion post must be at least 300 words.