Project through C/C++ with Arduino IDE and Simulate on Proteous and UNO Board. Design a Firmware that can perform following.
1. Take input number "A" ranging (0-F) through serial port, store it in a variable and display it on SSD in form of BCD and on LEDs in form of binary.
2. Take input number "B" ranging (0-F) through serial port, store it in a variable and display it on SSD in form of BCD and on LEDs in form of binary.
3. Take input mode "M" ranging (0-9) through serial port from user, store it in a variable and display it on SSD.
0. Addition Result on SSD s only
1. Subtraction Result on SSD s only
2. Multiplication Result on SSD s only
3. AND Result on LEDs only
4. OR Result on LEDs only
5. NOT (For input B only) Result on LEDs only
6. NAND Result on LEDs only
7. NOR Result on LEDs only
8. XOR Result on LEDs only
9. XNOR Result on LEDs only
10. Multiplication Result on LEDs only
Input is to be taken from Serial Port and output is also is to be shown on Serial Port
Need Code for every operation invidually all the above 10 operations.