Take a movie and transform it into a musical.
Read these articles first:
Time Out article:
Mean Girls musical article:
Choose any movie that has not yet been turned into a musical. Search on the web to make sure.
- Do not choose an animated film but rather a movie that does not seem at first a natural choice for musicalization.
- Once you have identified the movie, write a 300 word minimum posting describing how you would musicalize the show.
- What sort of score would it have?
- What are a few of the song titles?
- Who would star in it?
- Would there be much choreography?
- Just a few of the many things to consider in the posting.
Using Stephen Sondheim's varied show inspirations as a springboard find a unique source to use as inspiration.
• Choose a photo, portrait, sculpture, novel, historical figure, political moment or anything that means something to you.
• Please post a picture of it and describe in four sentences maximum the musical that you would write based on your personal inspiration.
• The four sentence limit is to force you to sell your musical efficiently to a possible producer, so choose your words carefully, streamline a concept, and most importantly, make your concept clear as it relates to your inspiration.
• What is the show about?
• What is the feel?
• What is the style?
• What can audiences expect?