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Reconstruction is probably the least Understood period in our history. When one really begins to understand the promise of what could have been, this period becomes even more heartbreaking. We had a handful of idealistic men and women in this cbuntry who believed they were pre-sented with an unprecedented opportunity to make this country a true democracy for the very first time in our history--a place where all people created and for a time. they did.

And we must not diminish the efforts of these individuals simply because Jim Crow began to dismantle their creation almost as soon as they cre-ated it. If anything, once one knows the level of violence these people faced for their convictions, their story almost becomes that much more harrowing and poignant."

But it was racism and violence thal ultimately Caused the demise of Re-construction. The Ku Klux Klan rose to a great state of prominence during this time period, and it was through their efforts that vi tually all of the pro-gressive legislation put in place during this time either came to an end or was reversed entirely. Jhec Klan used violence and fear as their political tools, and lynchings became probably their most favored mode of tor-ture and fear-mongering.

Ultimately, violence put an end to Reconstruction.

Watch the film from the website, Without Sanctuary, and take a look at the other photographs in the containing website. (See the links - above right)

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History: Take a look at other photographs in the containing website
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