Instructions: Access the U.S. Census Quick Facts. Click on the U.S. map for your state, then choose your county. The State will be "SC;" the city will be "Myrtle Beach," the county "Horry."
Answer the following questions:
1. Name of your county and state
2. Population of your county with racial and gender breakdowns
3. Number of senior citizens
4. Number of disabled individuals
5. Number of children Choose one of the populations above (senior citizens, disabled, or children) and list and describe at least two possible health concerns for that population (one should be the health concern discussed in Unit
2). Research your local newspaper (Horry County in SC, or Myrtle Beach SC newspaper and apa refs) or other source to give information on community health interventions or public policy that exist with the population you chose.
Take a health risk assessment. There are several to choose from. Choose one and report findings and recommendations for improving your health. Choose diet or stress as health improvement initiative for me.
Please summarize questions asked and also summarize results thoroughly and in your own words. Do not cut and paste answers directly from the findings given on the website.
How can you utilize these results to improve your own personal health? Format your paper consistent with APA 6th guidelines. Be sure to list all sources of information at the end of this assignment. You should have at least 3, including the health risk assessment and the Census information.