
Take a file of strings which may be binary data and convert

Take a file of strings (Which may be binary data) and convert those string to a Base64 encoding.

The encoding scheme to use is the same as that used in rfc1421.

Base64 encoding is a process by which three binary characters are encoded and replaced with 4 text characters. Text characters include A-Z, a-z, 0-9,+,/ (these are all easily printable characters and don't pose any problems to communication software, such as email.) We also use the '=' to represent "padded" characters.

So... Three characters is three bytes, three bytes is 24 bits. But you are going to divide these 24 bits into 4 sets of 6 bits. 2^6 = 64, hence base "64" encoding.

The subsequence "ABC" in a string would have the ASCII values 65 (01000001), 66 (01000010), and 67 (01000011) for a total 24 bit sequence of 010000010100001001000011. Chunking this into 6-bits chunks yields... 010000 010100 001001 000011. As 4 numbers this is 16, 20, 9, and 3. in RFC1421 this equates to the replacement sequence "QUJD"

If the number of letters in a string is not divisible for 3 pad it with = signs.

So take a file of multiple strings, Encode each line in RFC1421 Base64 encoding and output that line to a new file.

THe input file is called "input.txt" the output file shall be named "output64.txt"

Each input line will be less than 1024 characters

Each line may include binary data but will not include carriage return ('\r') or newline ('\n').

Each line will be terminated by the two character end of line sequence ("\r\n")

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Assembly Language: Take a file of strings which may be binary data and convert
Reference No:- TGS01012381

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