
Take 10 nmmin as the deposition rate on 150 mm substrate

What is the price per kilogram (or per carat, 1 carat = 200 mg) of diamond thin film if the PECVD [plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, used to deposit the diamond (pure carbon in the diamond crystal structure) film] capital cost is $500,000 and running costs are $100,000 per year. Take 10 nm/min as the deposition rate on 150 mm substrate wafers in a single-wafer system. (To put everyone on the same page, let’s assume the system operates 18 hours per day, six days per week, and the utilization is 60%. Utilization is the percent of total machine operating time that deposition on the substrate is occurring.) How does this compare with diamond jewels? (Depending on quality of diamond, my quick web search indicates very roughly $100 per ¼ carat)

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Financial Management: Take 10 nmmin as the deposition rate on 150 mm substrate
Reference No:- TGS02377876

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