
Tae40116 certificate iv training and assessment task title

Training and Assessment Task Title: DES Knowledge questions

Cluster Overview - This cluster includes 2 competency standards:

  • Design and develop learning programs
  • Use training packages and accredited courses to meet clients' needs

There are 3 assessment tasks, all must be successfully completed to be found Satisfactory Competent in the two competency standards

DES Knowledge questions - Answer each question satisfactorily, between 200 - 250 words per response.  This is an average only; some questions will require longer responses, some shorter.

DES Task 1 - This task will demonstrate your ability to unpack a training package qualification and develop a learning program for one Competency Standard from a training package or accredited course

DES Task 2 - This task will demonstrate your ability to unpack a training package qualification and develop a second learning program for a different competency standard from a training package or accredited course. This task must not be for the same competency standard used in DES Task 1.

Assessment task - DES Knowledge questions


1. Read requirements for Meets Requirements below, then

2. Answer the following questions.  Type your responses into the space provided below each question.

3. Every question must be found Meets Requirements to be found competent in this task

4. If a response is found Further Evidence Required (FER) your assessor will give you feedback on improvements which must be made

5. You have one week for resubmission which must be uploaded to Moodle unless other arrangements are made with your assessor

Questions -

Question 1: Explain the vocational education and training (VET) system.  To do this:

a. Explain what VET is and describe its key features

b. Explain what competency-based training (CBT) is and describe its key characteristics.

Question 2: Some key VET 'documents' are listed below. For each one:

  • explain what it is and describe its purpose in the VET system
  • describe how trainers and assessors use it.

a. Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

b. Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015

c. Training packages

Question 3: Explain the differences between the following:

a. a qualification, a skill set and an accredited course

b. a training and assessment strategy and a learning program plan

Question 4: Some key VET organisations are listed below.  For each one:

  • state what the acronym stands for (where applicable)
  • describe the organisation's role in the VET system
  • briefly explain how the organisation influences the way trainers and assessors do their job.

a. Department of Education and Training

b. ASQA or STAs

c. IRCs and SSOs

d. RTOs

Question 5: Describe how you do or could identify training needs in your workplace (can include competency standards or other training specifications, language, literacy and numeracy requirements and learner characteristics, learning materials and more)

Question 6: Research available learning and assessment materials relevant to your industry or area of expertise.  Identify the two strongest sources of materials that you find ('sources' may be within or outside your organisation).  For each of the two strongest sources identified:

a. Name the source plus address or other contact details

b. Describe the types of learning and assessment materials available from this source

Question 7: Copyright legislation research

a) Summarise copyright legislation when selecting or developing learning program materials

b) List the source/s of information you provide.

Question 8: Questions about training packages:

a. Name the endorsed components of a training package and summarise the information found in each component.

b. Name the mandatory support document that training package developers must produce, and briefly explain its purpose (1-2 sentences is sufficient).

c. Describe how and by whom training packages are developed and endorsed. Who has input into the content of a training package?

d. Explain what it means to 'contextualise' training package competency standards when using them as the basis for training or assessment. Which parts of a competency standard can be contextualised and which parts cannot?

e. Explain what it means to apply a 'reasonable adjustment' when using training package competency standards as the basis for assessment.

f. Describe how trainers and assessors can stay up-to-date with latest updates made to training packages

Question 9: Research, identify and analyse a training package relevant to your industry. Do the following:

a. Name the training package (title and code)

b. Identify one (1) qualification from the training package.

i. Name the qualification (title and code)

ii. Identify and describe an appropriate target client group for this qualification (real or fictitious)

iii. List a combination of core and elective units (title and code) from the qualification that are suitable for this target group.

iv. Discuss if and how the units may be clustered for delivery and assessment to your target group

Question 10: Using the same training package that you did for question 9:

a. Note the codes of:

(i) the training package

(ii) one qualification from that training package

(iii) one competency standard from the training package

b. Explain the meaning of each component of the above codes

Question 11: Explain your understanding of a unit of competency and its assessment requirements.  To do this:

  • summarise the information contained in each part of a unit and its assessment requirements, as listed below
  • briefly explain how this information helps you identify requirements for training or assessment:

A one-two sentence response per item below is sufficient for this question.

a. Unit title

b. Unit code

c. Application

d. Elements

e. Performance criteria

f. Foundation skills

g. Performance evidence

h. Knowledge evidence

i. Assessment conditions

Question 12: Other performance standards and criteria used as the basis for learning programs:

Describe how your workplace does (or could) design and develop a learning program that is not based on a competency standard. Include the program aim, stakeholders, learner needs and characteristics, who you consulted and how you researched the benchmarks (200-250 words)

Refer to Participant Manual for assistance.

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