Question: Table shows a sample of the kinds of applications a school district might get for its positions. An x below an applicant's number means that that applicant qualifies for the position to the left of the x. Thus candidate 1 is qualified to teach second grade, third grade, and be an assistant librarian. The coaches teach physical education when they are not coaching, so a coach can't also hold one of the listed teaching positions. Draw a graph in which the vertices are labelled 1 through 9 for the applicants, and s, t, l, m, e, b, and f for the positions. Draw an edge from an applicant to a position if that applicant can fill that position. Use the graph to help you decide if it is possible to fill all the positions from among the applicants deemed suitable. If you can do so, give an assignment of people to jobs. If you cannot, try to explain why not.