Table 727 from a general social survey relates responses on

Table 7.27, from a General Social Survey, relates responses on R = religious service attendance (1 = at most a few times a year, 2 = at least several times a year), P = political views (1 = Liberal, 2 = Moderate, 3 = Conservative), B = birth control availability to teenagers between ages of 14 and 16 (1 = agree, 2 = disagree), S = sexual relations before marriage (1 = wrong only sometimes or not wrong at all, 2 = always or almost always wrong).

a. Find a loglinear model that fits these data well.
b. Interpret this model by estimating conditional odds ratios for each pair of variables.
c. Consider the logistic model predicting (S) using the other variables as maineffect predictors, without any interaction. Fit the corresponding loglinear model. Does it fit adequately? Interpret the effects of the predictors on the response, and compare to results from (b).
d. Draw the independence graph of the loglinear model selected in (a). Remark on conditional independence patterns. For each pair of variables, indicate whether the fitted marginal and conditional associations are identical.


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Basic Statistics: Table 727 from a general social survey relates responses on
Reference No:- TGS01384263

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