
Systematic review or literature review that clearly

COMPETENCY 1 To assemble, critically review, synthesise and interpret published literature (including grey literature) on a public health topic.
i.e., systematic review or literature review that clearly describes and assesses the problem, its magnitude, causes and determinants, and discusses prevention and intervention strategies

COMPETENCY 2 To use epidemiological or other approaches to describe the health status or health care needs of a defined population and identify environmental or personal risk factors which threaten or enhance health.
i.e., primary or secondary data analysis; policy analysis; an original report built on the Practicum experience (independent of the Practicum report).

Please read attached pdf "Introduction to Secondary Data Analysis.pdf" as an introductory note. Your work seems like a literature review than secondary data analysis]

[With several studies having examined the link between store and restaurant access and BMI and obesity, the general finding of this studies are that having better access to a supermarket has a close relationship with reduced risk of obesity while having better access to convenience stores is closely related to increased risk of obesity (Larson et al., 2009). However, there are mixed results on accessibility to a restaurant. That is because the fast food availability, in some instances, have been found to be associated with increased risk of obesity for adults and children, and in others, there is no association (Larson et al., 2009). THIS IS PART OF DISCUSSION OF YOUR LITERATURE REVIEW, FOR COMPETENCY 1 ONLY, NOT COMPETENCY 2]

[In the research, Currie et al. (2009) examine the relationship between the rate of school-level obesity among 9th graders in California, and the distance between the school and fast food and full-service restaurants. Furthermore, the study examines how pregnant woman's weight gain in Michigan, New Jersey, and Texas, relate to the available statistics data on the distance from each woman's home to fast food and full-service restaurants. THIS IS PART OF DISCUSSION OF YOUR LITERATURE REVIEW, FOR COMPETENCY 1 ONLY, NOT COMPETENCY 2]

[In the benchmarking exercise of the empirical findings estimates of the effect of changes in the supply of fast food restaurants on obesity rates in schools, the 9th grade can be classified as obese then taken as the dependent variable from different regression, while the entries on the same was treated as the coefficient for the existence of a fast food restaurant within a distance from the school (α, β, and γ ) and coefficients for the existence of non-fast food restaurants within the given distance from the school (α', β' and γ'). The probable equation in the statistical analysis of the exercise would be;
Where Yit indicates mother i gains over 20Kg (or 15Kg) during pregnancy, Xit indicates different characteristics for a mother, and di the mother fixed effect.

Another way for statistical understanding of the data was the comparison of the effect of having fast-food at distance j, and that with not having a fast-food (within .5 miles). That helped in capturing the effect of exposure to a fast-food within a given distance, by finding the sum of coefficients α+β+γ. The results of the sum of coefficients indicated "an increase of 5.2 percent of the rate of obesity for the ninth graders in schools within 0.10 mile of a fast-food restaurant" . However, there was no relationship found between the school obesity rate and distances of a quarter or half a mile from a fast food restaurant, as well as there is no effect of the availability of a full-service food restaurant. THIS IS PART OF DISCUSSION OF YOUR LITERATURE REVIEW, FOR COMPETENCY 1 ONLY, NOT COMPETENCY 2]

[About the pregnant women, the results indicate a close association between living within half a mile of a fast-food restaurant and weight gain, as the former increases the probability of the latter taking place. The precise figures are a 2.5 percent increase of more than 20 kilograms weight gain during pregnancy, thus women are less concerned with travel compared to the 9th graders. (Currie et al., 2009) THIS IS PART OF DISCUSSION OF YOUR LITERATURE REVIEW, FOR COMPETENCY 1 ONLY, NOT COMPETENCY 2]

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