
Systematic desensitization and unwanted reaction

Systematic Desensitization includes gradually exposing a pet to the condition, without provoking the unwanted reaction. Through this procedure, we decrease the strength of a response (that is, fear) to a certain stimulus. For illustration, my dog fears big dogs. By desensitizing my dog to bigger dogs, I can decrease his fearful response to big dogs.

To do this, I would gradually expose my dog to low levels of fearful stimulus, in this case bigger. So at first, I might let my dogs see bigger dogs from a distance which doesn't have him be fearful. Then, I will gradually bring him closer and closer to the bigger dogs while petting him and making him feel safe, till he does not feel fear.

How might we apply counter conditioning to the humans? Please give an illustration.

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Other Subject: Systematic desensitization and unwanted reaction
Reference No:- TGS029357

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