
System is 100 ls pipe diameters of 100 and 200 mm and pipe

QUESTION 1- System is 100 L/s, pipe diameters of 100 and 200 mm, and pipe lengths of 50 and 100 in. Pipe roughness ics = 0.06 mm. Assume kinematic viscosity v = 10-6 m2/s.

Sketch the hydraulic and energy grade lines showing relative magnitudes and slopes.

1026_Sketch the hydraulic.png

QUESTION 2- A reservoir (water surface elevation of 100 m) feeds two lower reservoirs LI and L2. Water surface level in the LI reservoir is 70 m and in the L2 reservoir is 60 in. The reservoirs are connected through the network of pipes as shown below. Calculate the flows in each pipe.





Special features

Pipe 1

20000 m

0.5 in


No minor losses

Pipe 2

5000 in

0.4 m


No minor losses

Pipe 3

5000 m

0.3 m


No minor losses

1801_water surface elevation.png

QUESTION 3- rises 2 m. 1 ne tnetton tactor r = dins. Estunate me power required to drive me selected pump if its efficiency is 85%. For applied speed n = 1450 rpm, what type of pump do you suggest?

QUESTION 4- Topographical survey for a hydropower project shows that the available head is 100m. Design discharge for the river was 150 m3/s. What would be the installed capacity (power in MW) of the power plant? What type of turbine should be used if the turbine speed is 600 rpm?

QUESTION 5- Water at 20° C flows from the basement to the second floor through the 25 mm diameter metal pipe at a rate of Q = 1.0 Us and exits through a tap of diameter 12 mm as shown below. ks=1.5 x 104 mm. Determine the pressure at point (1) if

a. viscous effects are neglected;
b. only major losses are included;
c. all losses are included

2304_Determine the pressure at point.png

QUESTION 6- A wide rectangular channel has a change of slope from 1 in 100 to 1 in 500 and the flow is 4m3/s/m. Manning's n can be taken as 0.015.

a. Determine the normal depth of flow before and after the change in gradient.
b. Will it be possible to produce a hydraulic jump in the channel downstream of the junction of two slopes?
c. Calculate the height of the jump and sketch the surface profiles before and after jump.
d. Calculate energy loss and approximate dimension of the jump.

QUESTION 7- Determine the headwater depth of a 1000 mm (high) by 1500mm (wide) concrete box culvert operating under outlet control with a stream flow of 3.0 m3/s. The culvert is 50 m long. K.=0.5 and on a slope of 0.25%. The tailwater depth is 1.1w. What will be the headwater depth if the tail water depth is reduced by 0.8 m?

QUESTION 8- An earthen channel (n=0.03) has a bed width of 5.0 m, a water depth h = 1.5 in, a 45° side slope, and a channel slope of 0.001. Calculate the average velocity in the channel and the discharge. Determine whether erosion will take place if the maximum pennissible flow of water in an earthen channel is 1.5 m/s.

QUESTION 9- The annual precipitation in mm observed on a network of stations is shown below. Compute the average area rainfall by

a) the arithmetic average method and

b) Thiessen polygon method. Red dots show the rainfall stations and the text shows the rainfall amount in mm for the corresponding station. Blue line shows the river network within the catchment.

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Mechanical Engineering: System is 100 ls pipe diameters of 100 and 200 mm and pipe
Reference No:- TGS01147532

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5/30/2016 5:28:53 AM

Consider the information provided in the assignment, and provide accurate answer for each by applying the proper method. Q1. A broad rectangular channel consists of a change of slope from 1 in 100 to 1 in 500 and the flow is 4m3/s/m. Manning's n can be is 0.015. a) Find out the normal depth of flow before and after the change in gradient. b) Will it be possible to generate a hydraulic jump in the channel downstream of the junction of the two slopes? c) Compute the height of jump and draw the surface profiles before and after jump. d) Compute energy loss and estimate dimension of the jump. Q2. Topographical survey for the hydropower project illustrates that the available head is 100m. Design discharge for the river was 150 m3/s. Illustrate what would be the installed capacity of the power plant? What kind of turbine must be employed if the turbine speed is 600 rpm?