
Synthesize the outcome of the topic you choose in regards


As you have learned from this unit, the views and opinions within culture began evolving during the 60s and 70s. Taking this into consideration, choose an individual subject, title, or artist from the list of eligible media genres below. Next, assess the role that your topic played as a response to the cultural evolution surrounding the Cold War, Vietnam, and reform in the United States. Finally, synthesize the outcome of the topic you choose in regards to role it played on leisure and culture within the United States then, and how your selected message or artist is viewed today.

Choose an individual subject, title, or artist from the list of eligible media genres below:

- Songs (which might include a selection from): o Anti-War/Protest
o "Pop-Music"
o Motown
- Reform minded publications
- Controversial movies/television shows

The final product should be a 500 word minimum essay which identifies your topic, selection, and medium. In addition, a minimum of two (2) reputable sources must be used, cited, and referenced in APA format-only one of which can be an assigned book (text or source). Appropriate selections can include music, poetry, literature, cinema, television, theatre, articles (from a distinguished publication), or other major media which highlight the original subject.

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History: Synthesize the outcome of the topic you choose in regards
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