
Synthesis paper about easter island and its mysteries

The Easter’s Island:

We will be writing a synthesis paper about Easter Island and its mysteries. After reading both articles, you will write a paper that uses both articles as sources. You will need to decide how the sources agree with each other and also how they differ from each other. Citing the sources within your paper by using paraphrasing and quoting will be important. There should be very few quotes and more paraphrases.

In the first part of the paper, you should introduce the history of this island and the mysteries that still remain about it. What are the unanswered questions that researchers are trying to answer? Next, what kinds of evidence have been collected over the years about the island? What types of research have been done to try to answer the questions?

Then, describe any theories researchers have about what happened on Easter Island. How do they agree with each other? How do they disagree with each other?

Finally, in your conclusion I would like you to tell which theory you think was the most reasonable or most likely to have happened. Support your opinion by referring to evidence you have included in your paper’s main body and telling why you believe the evidence supports your preferred theory. (In other words, give an explanation for why you prefer that theory.) This part is where you get to show your own opinions about the mysteries. Do not use “I, me, my” etc. to do this. Get help from a tutor if you are not sure how to do this.

Your finished paper should be about 2 to 3 pages, typed, double-spaced, in size 12 font, in APA style. Look at resources you have from eap 5 if you forget what APA style is. Also, you can refer to the sources in the folder for help or go to a tutor for help.

You are encouraged to go to tutors to help you revise your paper. You must take a first draft of your paper to the tutor. Don’t expect the tutor to help you compose a first draft. When you hand in your final paper on Turnitin.com, you MUST also hand in your first draft that you took to your tutor. I need to see how you improved your paper for your final draft.

The paper should have a cover page in APA style. It should also have a reference page at the end. I will give you this in the folder, so please do not change it. It is your job to find out how to cite your sources within the text of the paper. I have done the references for you, but you need to learn how to cite in the text. Remember, you need to use both of your sources. this is references

Diamond, J. (1995, August 1). Easter’s End. Discover Magazine.

https://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=73 (look this website)

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