Question1) Answer all the questions.
(i) What do you understand by system global area?
(ii) Explain SQL and SQL plus.
(iii) Describe the use of DROP and Alter Table Command.
(iv) Explain difference between UNION & UNION ALL commands.
(v) Distinguish between implicit and explicit cursor.
Question2) Explain RDBMS. Describe the features and components of RDBMS.
Question3) Describe the oracle architecture. Explain different oracle files.
Question4) What is the requirement of user account in oracle? Describe the syntax of creating the user account in detail.
Question5) Answer all the questions.
(i) What do you understand by data integrity?
(ii) Write the syntax of ‘ORDER BY’ clause used in ‘SELECT’ statement.
(iii) Distinguish between GRANT and REVOKE command.
(iv) What do you understand by composite unique index?
(v) What scalar function?
Question6) Describe the use of following SQL * PLUS command-
(a) Accept
(b) Copy
(c) Describe
(d) Edit
(e) Run
(f) Undefine
Question7) What do you understand by object privilege? Describe all kinds object privilege that could be granted to the user with ‘grant’ command.
Question8) Write brief notes on-
(i) PL/SQL character set
(ii) PL/SQL commands