
Synchronization of the threads in multithreading

1) Write down the program for demonstrating the use of a constructor in VB.NET.

2) Write down the console application for finding out the Fibonacci series of the entered Number.

3) Write down the program to display if a number is Armstrong or not.

4) Describe the procedure of the arithmetic operators with the help of an example.

5) Discuss the aim of datasets and data adapters.

6) Describe the use of fill method with the help of an example.

7)  Explain the term data binding? Describe two forms of data binding within the AD0.NET.

8) Describe what update method is by giving an example?

9) Explain what is meant by the term multithreading, support your answer with example?

10) Explain the differences between Multitasking and Multithreading.

11) Develop the employee details form by taking the help of database using data reader, data adapter and the data Set.

12) What are Command objects and also some of its methods?

13) Describe synchronization of the threads in multithreading.

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DOT NET Programming: Synchronization of the threads in multithreading
Reference No:- TGS011816

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