
Symptoms complaints of always being tired

Problem: A 6 year old boy presented to doctors clinic with the following symptoms complaints of always being tired, extremely pale skin, poor eating habits, and shortness of breath. His mother states that the symptoms have gotten worse over the past few weeks. They come from a poverty home with minimal eating supplies. Lab work is ordered and the following: CBC - RBC 3.97 ul Hgb 6 g/dL Hct 10% MCV 65 fl MCHC 25% MCH 12 pg RDW 18.0 % Plt 400 x 10L Retic count <1.5 % Ferritin 6ug/L Serum Iron 4.6 umol/L TIBC 490 mcg/dL


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Other Subject: Symptoms complaints of always being tired
Reference No:- TGS03423174

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