
Syllogisms and deductive reasoning examples


Syllogisms and deductive reasoning examples

Systematic Reasoning-- Reasoning in a formal way

Translate the following arguments into syllogisms (paraphrasing when necessary) with the major premise first, followed by the minor premise, and ending with the conclusion:

1. All music is organized, some sound is organized, and so some sound is music.

2. No coal mine is safe because all coal mines are filled with explosive gases and no place filled with explosive gases is safe.

3. Some monarchs are caring, for all charitable people are caring and some monarchs are charitable.

4. No computer can think, but some animals can think, so no animals are computers.

5. Some Germans are not fast runners, since some Germans are overweight and no overweight people are fast runners

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English: Syllogisms and deductive reasoning examples
Reference No:- TGS01927196

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