Please perform a SWOT analysis on the Country of Ireland.
The purpose is our company is planning to expand our operations there, and we need Ireland to be carefully researched and analyzed before we can make this decision.
Question 1. Briefly identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) that may affect your global expansion in the country. Prepare a SWOT analysis of the results comparing strengths and opportunities to weaknesses and threats.
Question 2. Based on your research and analysis, what will be your recommendations to your CEO and why?
Question 3. As you perform your SWOT analysis, make sure to identify both internal and external factors that may impact your CEO's business either positively or negatively.
Strengths and weaknesses are usually internal factors (e.g., your product, employment level, operational costs, management, etc.), and opportunities and threats are mostly external factors (e.g., competitions, government regulations, ethical and cultural systems, etc.).