
Swot analysis of the local international policy


1 Describe the content of a 'traditional' expatriate package, and the reasons of the company to provide such benefits! What limitations do you see in this contract when it comes to handling the company's emerging needs?

2 Make a SWOT analysis of the Local International policy using information from the case study.

3 Compare the employers' and employees' needs regarding international mobility on a local international contract. What elements would have to be included in a package if they were to answer to these needs?

4 To what extent do you believe the distinction between the three groups of assignment padand local contract for external intemationz.fi t• recruits) to be fair? To this end (a) refer to theory and determine the referent person the three cases and (b) discuss the role o' procedural justice! What can the compar

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Strategic Management: Swot analysis of the local international policy
Reference No:- TGS01814741

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