Assignment Part 1: Original research analysis about e-business that would be worth further research
- This section is concerned only with conducting a SWOT analysis of British Airways (BA) business model before the COVID-19 crisis.
- Include short introductory paragraph(s)that explains what type of business BA does, some background analysis and information about BA, etc.
- Your analysis showing the business Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and the Threats to the business model -applied research.
- Highlight some points showing how BA could have been better prepared to face this type of crisis.
Assignment Part 2: Original predictive research analysis about e-business that would be worth further research.
- This section is concerned with conducting a predictive analysis post-COVID-19 using eitherPorter's Competitive Forces Model or Albert Angehrn's Model of British Airways (BA) after the COVID-19.
- Include short introductory paragraph(s) that explains what is happening to the company currently (during the COVID-19 period), your recommendations, some information about BA, etc.
- The new analysis will show how the business will be ready after COVID-19 with your expert advice using either Porter's Competitive Forces Model or Albert Angehrn's Model to help British Airways (BA) after the COVID-19, looking at other similar business position, different helps, - applied research.
Assignment Part 3: Original reflective analysis about e-business that would be worth further research.
- This section is concerned with using your own analysis post-COVID-19 using different helps that maybe available to support British Airways (BA) after the COVID-19, in recruiting young expert in the area, what can be their contribution to BA's new strategy, how can the help be wisely used, etc.
- Include short introductory paragraph(s) that explains what isgetting prepared to help companies currently, during the COVID-19 period, and after, to create new jobs, new opportunities for young experts, etc.
- This analysis will show the extent of your knowledge in using innovative approach to help BA after the COVID-19 with the possibility of getting help to carry on with their business - applied research.
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