Swot analysis-marketing goals

Paper instructions:

The details to this paper are included within the attachment. Any additional details needed for the assignment please contact me. The paper shall be clear and understanding and also sticking to the topic throughout. Once reviewing the details of the assignment, please do not accept the assignment if you will not be able to have it completed by the deadline given.

SWOT Analysis:

Continue with the case study you chose in Week.

Write a 3-5 page paper/analysis on your chosen case study (See Week 2) where you consider the SWOT Analysis, Marketing Goals and

Objectives for your Marketing Plan.

This week’s component is the SWOT Analysis.  Consider these elements as you write your paper.

• Strengths
• Weakness
• Opportunites
• Threats

SWOT Matrix:

• Developing Competitve Advantage

• Developing a Strategic Focus

Within your paper/analysis be sure to address the following:

• Include a title page and 2-3 references.

• Only the body of the paper will count toward the page requirement.  Only one reference may be located online (not Wikipedia) and the other references must be located in the Grantham University online library.

• Your analysis/paper should be written in your own words. When completing your assignments all spelling, punctuation, grammar, formatting, and citations should be written in APA style.  Please see your instructor for any further instructions.

Note: A complete layout of the marketing plan can be found in the Appendix of the text.

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Marketing Management: Swot analysis-marketing goals
Reference No:- TGS01435438

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