
swc has experienced challenges in dealing with a

SWC has experienced challenges in dealing with a key segment of its employee base: recently hired executives. The newer employees, ranging from very recent hires to staff with 2 to 3 years of experience have specific characteristics in common, including a desire for individual management attention, a constant pursuit of exposure to new areas and skills, and a need to achieve excellence in all that they do. These needs are magnified when these employees become part of work teams. Recently formed teams have reported more conflict and motivational issues when this particular type of employee joins a team. SWC senior management would like for you to evaluate areas of motivation and conflict management that could be helpful for managing this employee segment.

Prepare a presentation for SWC management that explains the following concepts and how they can be helpful in managing the newly hired employees and their involvement on the newly formed work teams.

a) Discuss how motivation varies among generations and how leaders must change the way they use motivational techniques to match individual or group needs.

b) Research 3 of the most popular motivational models, and discuss the similarities and differences in these models.

c) Which of the motivational models would be the most effective model for SWC?

d) Show and compare two conflict-resolution techniques that would be effective with SWC's work-teams.

e) Show and compare two conflict-stimulation techniques that would be effective with SWC's work-teams.

f) Show the impact of integrative bargaining. What are the challenges of bargaining and negotiating for a company in the global marketplace?

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Business Management: swc has experienced challenges in dealing with a
Reference No:- TGS0480594

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