
Sustainable management of forests and agricultural resources


Field discusses the major threats to the sustainable management of the forests and agricultural resources.  First recapitulate these threats.  Then,

a) Pick two (2) specific government policies (pertaining to each of two resource categories) which impressed you as important and successful in enabling proper resource allocation to occur.  Be certain to illustrate carefully why the policies are important from your perspective.  Briefly offer evidence as to their success.

Threats to sustainable management of the forests and agricultural resources can be summarized as follows:

b) Pick two (2) specific technologies (pertaining to each of two resource categories) which impressed you as important and successful in facilitating appropriate resource allocation to occur.  Be certain to illustrate carefully why the policies are important from your perspective.  Briefly offer evidence as to their success.

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Macroeconomics: Sustainable management of forests and agricultural resources
Reference No:- TGS010536

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