
Sustainability in business-managing economic bottom line

Assessment 1: Essay

Students will be expected to complete a 1500 word essay on one of the following three topics.

Topic 1: Sustainability in business means managing your economic bottom line whilst also protecting the social and environmental resources on which your business relies. Discuss this statement with reference to the idea of the Triple Bottom Line and a real world business of your choice.

Topic 2 Empathy or the ability to examine the world from different perspectives has been described as one of the principle personality traits of a design thinker With reference to a real world entrepreneur and an associated business idea of your choice discuss whether you think that this is true.

Topic 3: All good business model will have a clearly delineated customer segment(s) and will seek to communicate a value proposition directly to those consumers. With reference to the Business Model Canvas and real world business of your choice please examine one good and one bad example of a value proposibon of a product (or service) and discuss in your examples why an appropriate customer segmentation is essential for a good value proposition.

Topic 4: The legal regulation of business is a necessary evil in the Australian business environment" Discuss the arguments for and against this statement using examples of where the law has enhanced and hindered business.

References: All essays should contain a minimum of 10 references (these must include the starter references listed for your topic) Chosen references will demonstrate your engagement with key academic concepts whilst also showing he ability to source reputable industry based information relating to your chosen case study (examples). References should follow UTS Harvard reference style.

Assessment 2: Project Pitch (Group)


The purpose of your business pitch is to sell your business concept to a potential investor who is being represented by your tutor. It is not a summary of your final report, but rather a persuasive narrative designed to sell the investor on the capabilities not only of your team. but also of the innovative value that can be derived from your concept.

To be successful in this task teams will need to be creative, passionate about your business idea and present a professional face. Tutors will be looking for evidence of teamwork and efficiency, energy and enthusiasm. audience engagement and creativity.

It is expected that all group presentations (Pitches) will include the following material/ sections. These are normal in professional pitches, although there is no requirement to stick to the following order.

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Business Management: Sustainability in business-managing economic bottom line
Reference No:- TGS01238343

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