
For this portfolio assignment, you will need to research a company of your choosing in regard to its corporate ethics and sustainability. This can be either a company you work for or a corporation such as those mentioned in the course materials. You will address each of the following topics as they relate to your company. Each of the 10 topics should be illuminated by sharing an example related to the organization, connected to a course concept or other credible sustainability theories and practices, and supported by credible and scholarly sources. The portfolio should be in the form of a 5-6 page formatted essay. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. The entire portfolio project is worth 35% of your overall grade for this course. Make sure to use research from credible and scholarly sources to back up your statements within the paper. You will need to address each of the following as they relate to your company. See the portfolio rubric for point values of each section.

Sustainability Model

  • A background and organizational framework for the corporation including relevant historical information, industry information, etc.
  • A detailed explanation of how the company incorporates the four components of the Corporate Sustainability Model in their sustainability strategy.
  • A detailed explanation of how the organization plans for capital budgeting and risk assessment.
  • A detailed explanation of the social and environmental impacts of the activities and decisions of organization.
  • A detailed explanation of this company's reporting and disclosure of its sustainability measures, including any metrics used and audits performed.


  • A detailed explanation of how the top leadership of the company has shown commitment to sustainability.
  • A detailed explanation of how the corporate leaders involve the entire organization, outsourced agencies, and non-government organizations into their sustainability strategy.


  • A detailed explanation of who the major stakeholders are for the company and their role as it pertains to the company.
  • A detailed explanation of this company's reputation amongst the public, the industry, and other stakeholders.


  • Your recommendations of how this company could improve upon its current sustainability strategy to improve its overall corporate performance.


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- 0 % Plagiarism

- This is my last project for this semester and I need it with well written With APA style please

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Management Theories: Sustainability
Reference No:- TGS0908531

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